GRTgaz becomes NaTran
Intra-day flexibility  Last refresh :



Network Flexibility indicator by meshes Schedule functionnal validation will be done as per Network Flexibility indicator’s management rules. The aim of such validation is to replace the notice period of the flexibility contract.

Q Q- Indicator = GREEN: no notice period** for bearish profiles.

Q Q- Indicator = RED: a 6h notice period** apply for all new bearish profiles.

Q Q+ Indicator = GREEN: no notice period** for bullish profiles.

Q Q+ Indicator = RED:

Q Q+ Indicator = GREY and Q Q- Indicator = GREY and Partial flexibility indicator = GREY: unavailability of flexibility****.

* See flexibility contract for details on Indicators’ publishing and applying hours.

** See flexibility contract for details related to notice period.

*** See flexibility contract for details related to the limited flexibility for bullish profiles.

**** See flexibility contract for details related to unavailability of flexibility.