Maximum technical capacity
Theoretical maximum physical quantity of natural gas that can be carried at one contractual point of the network during one gasday. It does not take into account particular conditions such as maintenance, very low or high temperature... Such capacity does not refer to firm and/or interruptible capacity.
Profile of firm capacity
Capacity that can be offered to the networkusers, taking account of system integrity and the operational requirements of the transmission network.
Contracted firm annual capacity
Part of the firm technical capacity contracted by the network users for an annual or a gas season period.
Contracted firm monthly capacity
Part of the firm technical capacity contracted by the network users for a period of one month.
Contracted firm intermediary capacity
Part of the firm technical capacity contracted by the network users for a period of at least 10 consecutive days.
Available firm capacity
Part of the technical firm capacity that is not allocated as monthly or annual capacity.
Contracted interruptible capacity
Part of the maximum technical capacity that may be interrupted in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the transmission contract and which has been contracted by the network users.
Available interruptible capacity
Part of the maximum technical capacity that may be interrupted in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the transmission contract and which has not been contracted by the network users.
Maximum technical capacity
Theoretical maximum physical quantity of natural gas that can be carried at one contractual point of the network during one gasday. It does not take into account particular conditions such as maintenance, very low or high temperature... Such capacity does not refer to firm and/or interruptible capacity.
Profile of firm capacity
Capacity that can be offered to the networkusers, taking account of system integrity and the operational requirements of the transmission network.
Contracted firm annual capacity
Part of the firm technical capacity contracted by the network users for an annual or a gas season period.
Contracted firm monthly capacity
Part of the firm technical capacity contracted by the network users for a period of one month.
Contracted firm intermediary capacity
Part of the firm technical capacity contracted by the network users for a period of at least 10 consecutive days.
Available firm capacity
Part of the technical firm capacity that is not allocated as monthly or annual capacity.
Contracted interruptible capacity
Part of the maximum technical capacity that may be interrupted in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the transmission contract and which has been contracted by the network users.
Available interruptible capacity
Part of the maximum technical capacity that may be interrupted in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the transmission contract and which has not been contracted by the network users.
Contracted daily capacity
Part of the available daily capacity contracted by the network users through the SAJ service folowing the "first come first served" rule.
Contracted daily capacity via auction
Part of the available daily capacity not contracted by the network users through the SAJ service but contracted via auctions.
Available daily capacity
Daily capacity which is still available for booking.
Contracted within-day capacity
Part of the daily capacity not contracted by the network users on day-ahead auctions but contracted on within-day auctions.
UBI capacity obtained beyond rights
Sum of the capacities acquired by shippers through the "Use It Or Buy It" system beyond their total contracted capacity.
UIOLI available capacity
Capacity contracted by shippers that has not been used.
Firm delivery capacity contracted - industrials excepted SFM :
Sum by balancing zone of the firm delivery capacities contracted for the supply of industrial sites (excluding HMS).
Firm delivery capacity contracted - SFM :
Sum by balancing zone of the firm delivery capacities contracted for the supply of very high modulated sites.
Interruptible delivery capacity contracted - industrials excepted SFM :
Sum by balancing zone of the interruptible delivery capacities contracted for the supply of industrial sites (excluding HMS).
Interruptible delivery capacity contracted - SFM :
Sum by balancing zone of the interruptible delivery capacities contracted for the supply of very high modulated sites.
Maximum technical capacity
Theoretical maximum physical quantity of natural gas that can be carried at one contractual point of the network during one gasday. It does not take into account particular conditions such as maintenance, very low or high temperature... Such capacity does not refer to firm and/or interruptible capacity.
Effective technical capacity
Theoretical maximum physical quantity of natural gas that can be carried at one contractual point on the network during one gasday. This value takes into account particular conditions such as maintenance, low temperature... Such capacity does not refer to firm and/or interruptible capacity.
Profile of firm capacity
Capacity that can be offered to the networkusers, taking account of system integrity and the operational requirements of the transmission network.
Total contracted firm capacity
Sum of the contracted firm annual capacity, the contracted firm quarterly capacity, the contracted firm monthly capacity, the contracted firm intermediary capacity, the contracted daily capacity and the contracted within-day capacity.
Contracted interruptible capacity
Part of the maximum technical capacity that may be interrupted in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the transmission contract and which has been contracted by the network users.
Shippers' allocations
Sum of the quantities allocated to the shippers taking into account, when necessary, the result of the matching process with the adjacent operators.
Shippers' nominations
For a given nomination cycle, the sum of the nomination requests of the shippers on one interconnection point.
Physical measurement
Quantity of natural gas measured in energy that has transited through the network at one point.
Gross calorific value of the natural gas transited.
Total delivered quantity
Total delivered quantity on GRTgaz network at all delivery points.
Consumption of industrial sites (except SFM)
Consumption measured at all delivery points connected to industrial sites expected the very high modulated sites plus consumption measured at all delivery points connected to regional network.
Consumption of very high modulated industrial sites
Consumption measured at all delivery points connected to very high modulated industrial sites (i.e CCGT).
Delivered quantity to regional network
Delivered quantity to all delivery points connected to regional network.
Delivered quantity on public network
Delivered quantity at all delivery points connected to public distribution network.
Consumption on public distribution networks
Sum of the quantity delivered to public distribution and the quantity of biomethane produced and injected directly into the public distribution networks.
GRTgaz' forecast of delivery
GRTgaz' total forecast of delivery.
GRTgaz' forecast of consumption (SFM)
GRTgaz' forecast of consumption of very high modulated sites.
GRTgaz' forecast of consumption (industrial sites)
GRTgaz' forecast of consumption of industrial sites excepted SFM.
GRTgaz' forecast of delivery (DN)
GRTgaz' forecast of delivery to public distribution network.
GRTgaz' forecast of consumption (SFM)
GRTgaz' forecast of consumption of very high modulated sites.
GRTgaz' forecast of delivery (regional)
GRTgaz' forecast of delivery to regional networks.
Shippers' forecast of delivery
Shippers' forecast of delivery, based on their nominations at delivery points.
Average temperature
The published temperature is the average temperature of the Paris station.
Hourly consumption : Hourly consumption at all delivery points. For the current gasday, hourly consumption data are based on forecasts.
Actual hourly consumption of last year : Hourly consumption measured at all delivery points on the previous year on an equivalent calendar day.
GRTgaz' forecast : GRTgaz' forecast of Biomethane production on its transmission network (this data will soon be available).
Shippers' forecast : Shippers' biomethane production forecast based on their nominations at transport production points.
Biomethane production : Production measured at all biomethane production points directly connected to the GRTgaz transmission network.
Traded volume
For a given period, quantity of natural gas traded on the virtual transfer points. This value includes OTC (Over the Counter) transactions, gas exchange transactions and transactions concluded by GRTgaz with shippers for its own needs and its balancing requirements.
Number of exchanges
Number of transactions observed on the virtual transfer points. This value includes OTC (Over the Counter) transactions, gas exchange transactions and transactions concluded by GRTgaz with shippers for its own needs and its balancing requirements.
Volume physically traded
Sum of the net buys of the net buyers on the virtual trading point.
Churn rate
Ratio of traded quantities to physical gas deliveries after trades. It corresponds to the number of times the gas' owner changed at the virtual trading point.
Number of active buyers
It is the number of market participant who traded at least once as a buyer at the hub.
Number of active sellers
It is the number of market participant who traded at least once as a seller at the hub.
GRTgaz action
Purchase if the network' imbalance is due to a lack of gas. Purchase if the network' imbalance is due to an excess of gas.
GRTgaz' needs
Represents the balancing needs of GRTgaz.
Daily average price
Energy weighted average price of all the gas trades of titles products in respect of a given gasday carried out on the trading platform managed by Powernext.
Quantity transacted
Quantity of gas traded by GRTgaz with the market for balancing needs.
Marginal buying price
Level of price to cash out the shippers' lack of gas beyond their tolerance.
Marginal selling price
Level of price to cash out the shippers' excess of gaz beyond their tolerance.
Shippers' scheduling imbalance
For a given nomination cycle, the difference between the entries and exits scheduled by all shippers on the transmission system.
Imbalances cashed out through the ALIZES service
Sum of the shippers’ imbalances cashed out with the activation of the ALIZES flexibility service.
Imbalances cashed out by buys at marginal price
Sum of the shippers' imbalances cashed out by GRTgaz buying gas at marginal price to shippers.
Imbalances cashed out by sells at marginal price
Sum of the shippers' imbalances cashed out by GRTgaz selling gas at marginal price to shippers.
Distribution of entries on the network
Breakdown of the transmission system's entries by type of point.
Distribution of exits of the network
Breakdown of the transmission system's exits by type of point.
Level of natural gas available in GRTgaz's transmission system pipelines. This indicator is updated every hour.
Forecast of linepack at the end of the day
For a given day, level of available gas expected in GRTgaz's pipelines at the end of a gas day.
Network imbalance position estimated for the end of the withinday gasday
Qualitative indicator concerning the absolute umbalanced position of the network at the end of the current gasday.
Network imbalance position estimated for the end of dayahead gasday
Qualitative indicator concerning the absolute umbalanced position of the network at the end of the day ahead gasday.
Projected Closing line pack
The Projected Closing line pack stands for the estimated line pack level of the transportation network at the end of a given gasday (withinday or dayahead).
Maximum technical capacity
Theoretical maximum physical quantity of natural gas that can be carried at one contractual point of the network during one gasday. It does not take into account particular conditions such as maintenance, very low or high temperature... Such capacity does not refer to firm and/or interruptible capacity.
Minimum planned effective capacity
Level of technical capacity planned taking into account the worst scenario of constraints for the network.
Probable planned effective capacity
Level of technical capacity planned taking into account the scenario of probable constraints for the network.
Restriction rate on firm capacity
Reduction rate applied to the firm portion of the shippers' operational capacity.
Restriction rate on interruptible capacity
Reduction rate applied to the interruptible portion of the shippers operational capacity. This rate is calculated for each type of capacity product: annual, quarterly, monthly and daily capacities.
Probable restriction rate planned on firm capacity
Planned reduction rate applied to the firm portion of the shippers' operational capacity taking into account the scenario of probable constraints for the network.
Maximum restriction rate planned on firm capacity
Planned reduction rate applied to the firm portion of the shippers' operational capacity taking into account the worst scenario of constraints for the network.
SP : superpoint
SSP : sub-superpoint
Network Flexibility indicator by meshes Schedule functionnal validation will be done as per Network Flexibility indicator’s management rules. The aim of such validation is to replace the notice period of the flexibility contract.
Q ➔ Q- Indicator = GREEN: no notice period** for bearish profiles.
Q ➔ Q- Indicator = RED: a 6h notice period** apply for all new bearish profiles.
Q ➔ Q+ Indicator = GREEN: no notice period** for bullish profiles.
Q ➔ Q+ Indicator = RED:
Q ➔ Q+ Indicator = GREY and Q ➔ Q- Indicator = GREY and Partial flexibility indicator = GREY: unavailability of flexibility****.
* See flexibility contract for details on Indicators’ publishing and applying hours.
** See flexibility contract for details related to notice period.
*** See flexibility contract for details related to the limited flexibility for bullish profiles.
**** See flexibility contract for details related to unavailability of flexibility.
GRTgaz's need :
Represent the needs of GRTgaz to decrease the congestion
Transacted quantity :
Quantity of gas traded by GRTgaz on the locational spread on the Marketplace
Average price :
Represents the total cost of the transactions divided by the transacted quantity
Small impact works part :
Represents the part of Locational Spread due to the actual quantity of small impact works and possible unplanned unavailabilities. This quantity is computed on a daily basis ; the share allocated to each intervention results from a normative distribution
Interruption of sales and interruptible/UIOLI :
Curtailment of interruptible transport capacities (including backhaul and UIOLI) and stop of capacity trading on the points/direction which stress the limit.
Locational spread :
Call to the market on the gas stock exchange, with a twofold locational product: the TSOs buy gas downstream of the limit and sell it simultaneously upstream of the limit.
Mutualized restriction :
Partial restriction of firm capacities, pro-rata to the subscribed capacities, mutualized on a superpoint. Only on the side of the limit's management.
Winter storage monitoring :
Indicator for monitoring the filling level of storage facilities located downstream of the network limits. The purpose is to verify the availability in the medium term of a sufficient stock to ensure that congestion management mechanisms are effective if activated.
Small impact work :
Indicator used when maintenance has an impact on the limit but does not give rise to a capacity restriction. The level of impact is limited to a maximum “small maintenance” threshold set by the CRE, except for the South-North limits.